Herbert Grönemeyer Aufruf #btw21

Herbert Grönemeyer Aufruf zur Bundestragswahl 2021

Ich präsentiere Euch hier den beeindruckenden Aufruf von Herbert Grönemeyer zur Bundestagswahl 2021. Ich habe den Ausführungen von Herbert eigentlich nichts hinzuzufügen und unterstütze seinen Aufruf in jeder Hinsicht.

The video is in german, I translated it in to English:

English Translation:

The appeal of the German singer/songwriter Herbert Grönemeyer for the German Bundestag election 2021

„What prompts me to state my position in this way? It is the concern that it slips through our fingers and how much more elementary this election is, compared to the previous ones.

Are we really aware that we can no longer play for time, and that each and every one of us will have to accept a change and a fundamental rethinking if we want to change direction in climate change over the very last few meters?

We – myself included – like to be a stubborn herd of cows: we look up for a moment and then graze on just as leisurely. But only if we take it seriously with the grass we have to stop eating for a moment. We as a society have shown, especially in meeting and caring for refugees, that we have a great humanistic idea that unites us. How we have met all the people, welcomed them, and how they are still supported by tens of thousands in their arrival, in their strangeness, and in their becoming home to this daycountry. This is already a landmark in the history of this exciting, united country.

And likewise in the pandemic and most recently in the staggering aftermath of the flood disaster – we as a community have a much more solidarity-based maturity than our government.

If one understands this country as a family business and its population as an employer, the politicians, the management, have worn themselves out in 16 years of coalition, they are encrusted, sluggish, despondent and in parts more and more focused only on their own advantage.

And what does all this mean?

It means that we must clearly realize the elementary importance of this election and we must participate.

Do we really care about the climate change? Will the dramatic German CO2 emissions finally become a living room topic in its urgency? And is it really understood by each of us in its desolate danger? Do we want to stop the drifting apart of rich and poor and finally try out a great social fair cooperation? Is our red line against racism and discrimination clear enough? Do we not want to remain to be a digital developing country? Do we finally want to make progress in understanding and moving toward each other between West and East?

And do we have the courage to listen to a fresh younger generation, to give them responsibility, to strengthen and support them, to dare new things and to motivate them to participate again, to convince them and to learn together with them?

I am 65 years old now, and it is my generation that has the duty, with its life experience, to take the fears and concerns about the future of the younger generation really seriously and to pave a future for their impetuous commitment to their freedom and well-being, or to rejoice in their sense of responsibility, instead of doggedly trying to preserve outdated achievements.

The younger people are doing a great job, but we over 50 will outnumber them in the election, therefore we should work hand in hand with them, understand and encourage them. And they deserve that more than anything.Thankfully, Fridays for Future alone shook up the world so radically that we finally came out of our climate sleep.  This is the one and only way forward.

Thankfully, Fridays for Future alone shook up the world so radically that we finally came out of our climate sleep.  This is the only way forward and the only way forward.

We are adults and smart enough as a community to shoulder the risks and challenges.  We finally want to be heard, seen, challenged and appreciated again. We are sharing more with each other than many politicians can even imagine in their dreams.

This is not about some kind of election campaigning, but I am urgently appealing to the democratic responsibility of us all, to change and improve the situation by voting, and thus to help in shaping the future. We all – as shareholders of Germany – will elect a new management for our family business on September 26th in a highly dramatic existential time for our planet.

We certainly cannot excuse ourselves at the end of the next 4 years with the proven slogan:

„I waited for the time being, unfortunately I misjudged it!“. 

We finally have to take the warning voices seriously – from research, science and fresh minds . And we have to react directly. In this phase, we need a change of rhythm, a new urgency and the awakening from powerlessness, the awakening from political sedation, self-indulgence, saturation and dumbing down and muddling along.

Otherwise we would be sleepy and fading away with our socially so impressive qualities and our research and renovation enthusiasm.

Democracy means taking an influence, sharing responsibility, looking ahead and packing the issues into our own hands, at least every 4 years, and if not for myself, at least for my neighbors, for the following generations and for all our grandchildren.

If we want a new way, we need a serious conscious and concerned will to achieve it.Do the climate choice check or at least the Wahlomat .

Do the climate choice check or at least the Wahlomat (the online check which political party fits for you).

Talk to each other, listen to each other, and by all means VOTE.

That’s what I wanted to get off my chest – Have a good election…“

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